Monday, March 24, 2008

Photos Photos Everywhere..

I'm not very good at photography..but it's something that I love. I really want to get better at it..and am actually thinking about taking a class. Once I have some money doing a grownup job..the plan is to buy a real camera and learn how to use it..these point and shoot things get the job done..but not well.

So anyways, that's my precurser to this post.

The object of the game is to comment with one or a few things you'd like to see pictures of from my can be basically anything* favourite this or that...what my wallet looks like..where I spend most of my time...WHATEVER...and then I'll do my best to write a little blurb and post some pictures of said things :)

So here's what you do:

1) Click on Comments
2) Post new comment with something(s) you'd like to see from my world
3) Wait for me to post pictures of said things!

Simple right? Now go!

*there will be a few limits...but not many!


Frankofile said...

I'd like to see a photo or two about your hobbies (I'd like to find a new hobby to take up - inspire me!)

Shop Girl* said...

Iiii would love to see a photo of something you think is beautiful. For starters. I will have more. ahha

Veggie Carrie said...

Seeing as you are 'anonymous' I'd love to see a photo of something that you find mysterious...