Saturday, April 5, 2008

Changing Tides

It seems as though this spring has brought about many possible changes. Not only in the life of me..but in the life of almost everyone I know. From friends, to family to mere acquaintances..the lives of everyone who I know seem to be hanging in the balance of something which is completely and totally undefinable.

I think that I'm at that age where everyone is going off and changing and moving about. We're all finishing university, college and a variety of other things and about to embark upon our actual lives..whatever those may be. This means that there are enormous amounts of people who are completely and totally dumbfounded about where they're going and what they're going to do. Some people have jobs lined up, others..have nothing lined up. Some have tentative plans..further schooling..moving away..staying put..others have no plans at all. Whatever it is that they're seems like everyone I know is changing and moving. I guess this is something that always happens. When you break it is a constant flux of this and that..but it just seems as though there are massive bouts of change happening currently.

There has been talk lately about new ventures and new things that are going on within a lot of peoples lives. New businesses, new cars, new houses..everything is new. But before this happens is when the great giant of the unknown likes to come and knock on everyones doors. What is the best decision to make? What if I make the wrong decision? What if..what if? Should I travel and explore or should I be sensible and settle down? Everyone seems to be struggling with these things at the moment...What to do..what to do.. There are so many options and it seems as though everyone around me, whether they be young or only young at heart, seem to be faced with. Siblings, friends, parents, cousins, and other family and friends all seem to be faced with a massive life decisions to make right now..what is the next step? Where do we go from here?

There also seem to be a lot of people I know who are moving into that 'next phase' of their lives. Instead of being wild and crazy anymore..people are settling down and becoming more and more serious. I cannot count the number of people I know who have got engaged or announced that they're pregnant in the last month. Countless friends, family and family friends have either been in these serious relationships lately..or have gotten engaged..married or are expecting now...which is great and of course I'm over the moon with happiness for them! It's just so crazy to think about..I cannot even imagine being there right now..I'm just not...I wouldn't so much MIND being there..but oh me oh not there right now..LOL!

I had a discussion this morning..about this sort of topic with someone who I love dearly who has always made an enormous impact on my life. This person is non other than my darling daddy..(I've always been a 'daddy's girl' in the most typical and stereotypical sense of the phrase) and as we were talking about where life is going and what is happening and the future and the unknown..the wisdom that he passed along rang so true with my heart. We've spent hours lately chatting and discussing the future and what it holds and where things are going..and the end result..the bottom line..the big rocks that he wanted to emphasize was to ensure that I was happy. We talked about life and about the things that you do in people can go their entire lives doing things that they don't love..simply for the sake of doing it. That people will try to attain things that are silly and useless, that they'll sacrifice their own happiness..and say 'Oh, I'll just do it later..' or 'When I retire..' or just generally put off the things that they love the most..and then never get the chance to get there..and just continually put things off again and again..

And I thought to true is that. What it all comes down to in the end is that we're happy. I'm beyond lucky..I have a loving family, friends and a good education. I can travel, I can explore, I can afford to live..I always have food on my table..and I have the opportunity to do virtually whatever I please and be happy doing it.. and really..what else in life really matters beyond that happiness?

And on that note..I'm going to go and take a lovely walk in this lovely sunshine and ponder life and happiness and everything in general right now. The plan for this afternoon is to enjoy myself and be happy :)

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