Sunday, June 22, 2008

Things that make me..

Things that make me happy:

1) Chit chats. I love chit chatting.

2) Running into professors..especially the ones you loved to bits.

2.5) Having other people run into old prof's that you love and hearing through the grapevine that they asked about you and want you to email them (AHHH!)

3) Days Off. Relaxation? YES!

4) Sunshine. 'Nuff said.

5) Strawberry Daiquiris. I live on a strawberry farm..nuff said?

6) Gum that comes in green packages. It reminds me of driving around with my grandmother and her telling me that I could get out a piece of gum from her purse (Big privilege..doncha know?) and it was always the green kind. I can't chew green gum without thinking about her.

7) Pens that write well. I love pens that write well..because pens that don't..are kind of a tick off.

8) Lip gloss. Not only does it make my lips feel better...but it's shiny and pretty!

9) Going to libraries. I want to LIVE in a many. book. choices!

10) When my puppy lies on my feet. It means that he loves me. I like being loved.

11) Watching the stars.

12) Getting emails

13) Anything that's bright and colourful!


15) Drawings from small children

16) Photo booths. Especially when you try to cram more people than it's physically possible to cram into one.

17) Monkeys. Because who isn't happier when monkeys are around?

18) Silly people. The ones who make me laugh and smile.

19) Flowers.

20) Finding $20 in your old coat from the previous season

21) When cats purr because they're so happy.

22) Walking around aimlessly, just to take everything in

23a) The smell of babies 23b) Babies smiling 23c) Babies giggling

24) Dinner parties

25) Walking through grass in barefeet

26) New friends

27) Eating pistachios. YUUM!

28) Daydreaming

And that only a few of the reasons why life is good.

1 comment:

Katherine Schutte said...

Thanks for your comment on my blog. I'm flattered you liked my photos, and I enjoyed your list . . . I made a similar one once. Really makes you appreciate the little things, right? Thanks, too, for passing on another good blog site!