Sunday, May 11, 2008

Living Things

Today was spent being not nearly productive in any way, shape or form. But I'm okay with that. I have this secret love of taking pictures..but I'm not good at it at all..I feel as though it's one of those things that can be learnt and a degree..but I also think that it takes natural a lot of things in life. I wish that I could take better photos..and have been considering for quite some time taking a course to learn about various important things to do with photography..Light, angles, etc. etc. But alas..Until recently..I've been a broke student who has no access to a decent camera and no access to funds for lessons, let alone a camera that would allow me to further this dream. So today I bring you my collect of random walking around photos..Which do disclose my identity quite a lot if you know me or have ever been to my house! Giant leaps away from anonymity I say!

I shall entitle this collection..Living Things. Enjoy!

New life - Just planted. Only a few days in the ground - a newbie!

Life attempting to poke its way through the bush

Rocks are not living. But the people who piled them here were.

This tree has been living a long time..and has the character to prove it.

Le puppy is living! And he will probably use that ginormous tongue of his to attempt to eat OTHER living things.

Although without leaves it looks as though it's not really is.

Hiding amongst it's non-living friends..a living thing makes an appearance. Can you spot it? ;)

The sprinkler gives living things a refreshing drink.

A tree that looks as though it really is living!

Flowers are living..they mean spring has sprung.

A new life for young blueberry plants.
The barn is not living! But look closer, and you shall see that the vines growing on it are infact living.

The maple tree is living. So is the young family in the distance.

Weeds are living, but what pray tell is living inside the pipeline?

The trellis is not living. But it is made of things that use to be living..and is a home for many living plants in the months to come.

The footprints were made by living things. This is also the home to grass seed, which will soon be living.

Rhubard is living. Which makes me happy, because soon it will be living in my belly, in the form of rhubarb pie.

This truck is no longer living, but it once led a glorious live life filled with many an adventure.

My brother killed my old bicycle, ending its life as a normal bike. He then proceeded to preform life saving surgery, added a lawn motor engine..and revived it to be a living vehicle once again. Albeit a scary living vehicle which lacks any form of brakes.

Living things need water, like these clouds will bring.

They also need sun, which pokes its head out from behind the clouds.

The puppy is living.

My shoe that he has stolen on the other hand..

..He has ensured that it is dead. Good and dead.

The cherry tree is living and will make many a bird happy and full and help them to live once it gives us yet another lovely bout of cherries this summer.


Shop Girl* said...

Aww the new layout / name is looovely! I heart it!! And your photograph are beautiful... it's nice to have a little visual insight into your life!! :)

Erin said...

Thanks! <3

Elyse said...

I want a cherry tree :(

I wish I lived in Strawberry Land *sighs*