Sunday, May 18, 2008

Friend Families

Lately I've had the pleasure to start hanging out with some of my best friends siblings. Now, you have to understand that I LOVE my best friends to bits..and I love their families..and despite not knowing their siblings THAT well, I already love them by association. It's so funny..because as I become older the more I realize that the people I'm closest with, the friends I hold dearest to my heart..are the people whose families are most similar to my own. We all share similar values and beliefs and morals..and I think that is part of the reason why we all get along so well. Once you add in additional siblings and cousins and other members of the family who also share these similar end up with this fun group of people who are all so similar to you and who you get along with quite wonderfully..which is..AWESOME!

This last year, one of my best friends (For the purpose of this blog..we shall call her [the best friend] Nannon) sisters (Said sister of the best friend has requested that her nickname be spelt with an ie when she was informed that I was going to write a blog about her..haha! So I present to you..the sister of Nannon..Hammie.) moved from her hometown to this lovely little town. She lived in residence, made lots of new friends and had a generally quite wonderful first year at Hippie U...from what I've heard at least! She's now moved in with Nannon..and thus comes as one of those built in friends. Despite being a few years younger than us, she's quite lovely and wonderful to hang out with. We've had the pleasure of having LOTS of hangouts this past week..and it makes me happy to have her around for the summer to keep me company. I really enjoy when random friendships such as this one just..appear. It's not necessary to TRY very hard at them, you already have things in common with them and it's another person who you can laugh with and have silly inside jokes with....and just have an all around good time with. It's nice that we can just hang out so easily without really even KNOWING each other that well..and are quickly becoming good friends!

This past weekend brought many siblings and family members of some of my best friends into the same realm as each other..and I love them all dearly. We can laugh for hours, go out and be silly, or just sit around talking...all the while having a quite lovely time. My friends are some of the dearest people in the world...and I wouldn't change them for anything...and I really don't feel like I need much more in life as long as I have them in my life...But then add to that the fact that I not only have have AMAZING best friends who I love to bits, who take me as I am and who know me better than myself..but within the package of their loveliness I also get an extended family...that's more than I could ever ask for! Within their families are people who love me, care about me and are generally beyond not only do I have best friends..but I have best friend families..who encompass all of the best parts of said best large groups of wonderful people!

So yes, I've decided that I'm quite happy that Hammie has moved north and has joined our cute and quaint little friend family..she's a wonderful addition!

And, as a bonus..I no longer am the baby of the group of friends! Our Hammie now has that distinction of being the youngest...SCORE!

1 comment:

Benny Li said...

Good Luck on your life. Hope everything goes well on your side.

God Bless :)