As I've been reading Shop Girls* blog I've noticed that her family has a lot of little inside jokes, sayings and other such cute stories. They're rather adoreable to read I thought I would share a story of my own family that I happened to remember the other day.
I have one brother, who happens to be EXACTLY 2 years, 4 months and 14 hours younger than me. (Why I know this, I don't really know. Actually, I just figured it out....Wow..I'm a little bit of a loser today) So anyways, he's slightly younger than me..which means that he started out school slightly after me. (Makes sense eh? Younger child starting school after older child :P)
I have to explain that this particular stories takes place way back in the days when kindergarten was only half days..and you either went for the mornings or you went for the afternoons. Thus, since we were country kids, we were bussed home at noon, or picked up everyday at noon and taken to school.
During my brothers first stint at school, he came home with many stories...Things that they were doing, new friends, new experiences, etc. Although he wasn't a talkative child in public..he could be quite the talker in the quiet of our own he would come home talking about this or that or various different things that had happened.
So one day he came home and ran off the bus, excited as could be to tell my parents that they had a new bus driver..
And then he dropped the bomb shell. When they asked what her name was he exclaimed.."HER NAME IS MISS PIGGY!!!!!!!!!!"
So of course, my parents laughed and titterd..because that clearly couldn't be her name, even though he was INSISTENT that it WAS her name. In my six and a half year old glory, I become irrationally jealous that he had a muppet for a bus driver. It was days later before I finally saw her and realized that she wasn't ACTUALLY a muppet...which was actually QUITE a disappointing blow for a six year old..
But not quite as disappointing as it was for my brother when my parents finally inquired about the name of the new bus driver..
..Turns out that she'd told the kids to call her Miss. Peggy.
Ah the joys of four year olds and their inability to tell the difference between i's and e's :)
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Little Miss..
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Bahaha I totally would have done the same thing. It really is too bad that she didn't have those Muppet characteristics though... haha
I laughed out loud at this.
I can definitely picture you upset by Ben having a Muppet for a driver. I'd be upset! I want a muppet bus driver! (we have singing bus drivers here, not nearly as interesting, but still good)
Shop Girl* - Hahah..the six year old in my still tends to believe that for a day his busdriver really WAS miss. piggy..they simply replaced her with someone else the following day ;)
Elyse - Glad I could make you laugh!! If I wish nothing else for you..I wish a muppet bus driver for you! haha! <3
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