Friday, June 20, 2008

Bedtime Procrastination

I'm slowly but surely getting back into the habit of early mornings and early bedtimes..

But I still don't like it.

Especially when I have to be happy happy cheery cheery at 8am. To people.

I love my job and all..

But really..that's a lot to ask.

At least I'm not working market tomorrow. Happy happy cheery cherry at 6am is DEFINITELY not my friend.

Thank goodness for small mercies?

Hope for sunshine tomorrow...looks like we might be busy. It's a busy time of year.

I'm also anxiously awaiting news of the European Adventures. I hate waiting. I just want to KNOW already if this family will say yes to me or not..gah!

Okay, I've really got to stop procrastinating and get to bed. A real post..sometime soon. Maybe.

Pictures of work fun tomorrow maybe!

Also, is tomorrow national 'everyone get married' day? I think that everyone is getting married tomorrow. For real.

Okay, this is the worst post I've ever written. It's random, it's stupid, it's full of horrible spelling and gramatical errors.

Also, every 'sentence' (if you can even call them that..) seems to start on a new line.

Yeah, I'm cool like that.


To bed.

For real.

Night Folks.


Shop Girl* said...

I'm not getting married tomorrow--just so you know.

AND, I actually managed to be somewhat cheery at 6am. And by cheery I mean awake. Sort of. haha

Erin said...

Wait wait wait..hold the're NOT getting married tomorrow? Are you sure? I mean, REALLY sure? Oh snap..this is going to be awkward when everyone shows up and there is no wedding..uh oh ;)

Haha - you must have been at least sort of awake to sell that many berries..LOL! Did you manage to open your eyes for your cab driver? heehe :P

I can BE cheery at just takes A LOT more effort than I'm use to putting into being happy and cheery and fun..LOL