Friday, May 23, 2008

Babysitting Escapades

Wow! So this week has FLOWN by..I honestly don't even know where to start. I keep coming home and then being about to write some sort of a post of one of the million things that I've been THINKING about writing..but then either start and don't finish or just never really start at all.

I think that it's one of my downfalls of blogging..when I actually do have something exciting to post about or something that I want to record because I've been thinking about it and it has been on my mind..I'm less likely to write about it or feel as though I can write about it because I'm out DOING it and living life and don't really have time..and then when I am at home I feel much more lethargic and dopey and don't really take the time to sit down and write as much as I would like to..because I'm tired or doing other things that need to be done.

So anyways. I've decided that I'm taking today off from doing work work..I might get around to some later in the day..but it's not really looking like it's going to happen. It's one of those not so productive days..which comes from a semi productive week..I've been on the go lately..just constantly. Working at my job..which I enjoy but sometimes find difficult because I'm working on my own and am trying to organize and get everything ready before we open...there is just so much to do that sometimes it's rather overwhelming. And then to top it off..I've been babysitting at night on top of that..which is lovely and wonderful..but draining as well.

I happen to be the regular babysitter of two of the most lovely and adorable kids who have ever existed..they make me beyond happy. Whenever I have the chance to babysit them I enjoy myself SO much. They have such amazing imaginations and ideas and love to come up with new games and tell me what they've learned lately and just be silly and goofy. We play many games and it takes me back to my own childhood..They enjoy things like 'What time is it Mr. Wolf' or "Red Light, Green Light" of COURSE..but we also can often be found playing 'Pirates' (We build a 'ship' in the living room out of chairs and couch cushions and any other sort of materials we can find) and then ward off attacks from other ships as we try to find treasure that is hidden on random islands that we come across in our travels. The kiddlets have also taken to playing 'Safari' which involves us going on dangerous missions to rescue animals and then sometimes having to have helicopters come and get us because we're lost in the middle of the rain forest. After playing a combination of some of these games..we'll go for a bike ride or a walk or play on the trampoline or do something fun outside to get rid of their energy..come inside and have some fruit (or if I'm feeling extra nice..some ice cream) for a snack and then suddenly it's bath time and bedtime for Q2 and Q1 is allowed to watch TV for half and hour while I read stories to Q2 before it's Q1's turn to have a bath, be read to and tucked in. This past week Q2 has taken to procrastinating even more than usual before bed..but I'm a total sucker for reading to kids and she KNOWS she always ends up getting too many stories..but then she's been asking to be sung to before I leave the I sit on the edge of her bed singing her songs that my parents use to sing to me and rubbing her back until she's on the verge of falling asleep before I go and find Q1 and get him ready for bed..

It's a rather enjoyable experience...albeit exhausting at times..they make me beyond happy..just to watch them and seeing them come up with amazing ideas and thoughts and silly things that make everyone giggle. Even if I wasn't being paid to babysit..I don't think that I'd really care..the money thing isn't really why I do things..sure, it's nice..but if I didn't enjoy it..I wouldn't be doing it. When it's fun and enlightening and fills your heart with happiness..that's when you know it's something that you should be doing. And now I think that I'm going to climb back into bed, read my book and continue on with my lazy LAZY day. If only the weather would warm up so that I could have a lazy day in the sunshine! that would REALLY fill my heart with happiness!


MSU said...

Awww, I want to babysit children like that.

FAR too many children just want to sit in front of the t.v. and play video games.

Ew. (They will have absolutely no imagination when they grow up)

Erin said...

They're quite lovely..I heart them :)

I think that children just don't know what else to do with themselves..they've been taught that sitting infront of the tv is what's fun and quiet and keeps you occupied and out of mom and dad's hair..and thus become addicted..if you don't turn it on..most kids are more than happy to sit and have fun and engage in activities..and most really do have amazing imaginations..even if they're put stuck in a closet and are covered in cobwebs!