Sunday, March 30, 2008


Sometimes I just want to sigh and quit life.

Instead I'll go to bed and dream happy dreams about loveliness.


But probably not.

Vague, I know.

Random, I know.

Unlike my usual blog posts..I know.

That's just the way it is.

This is why I don't have public blogs.


Shop Girl* said...

I think we're all entitled to feel like this from time to time... I hope you did dream about happy dreams of loveliness though. :)

And just for the record, I enjoy this public blog of yours. Immensely so.

Erin said...

Dear Shop Girl*,

Totally agreed..sometimes everyone just needs those days..but life goes on..and sometimes you've just gotta get up out of bed and put the pieces back together and as my previous post said..make the best of what you've got and accept it for that..or whatever silliness I wrote in said post :)

I enjoy yours as well :) It's actually quite liberating to have a public blog..but also difficult at times because I feel restricted in some things that I can/cannot write. (Weird deja vu right's REALLY kinda freaky..creeping me out beyond words. Okay. I think it's gone. Moving on.) Because there are randoms reading my blog..that I wasn't previously aware of..I just find it..harder to explore my true feelings..which is what I feel a blog SHOULD be. No one wants to hear about the downs in life..but they're life..and they're part of what makes me me. They're part of what shapes everyones life..but then..there is no point in dwelling about them...that only makes them worse I find. I suppose I should use my paper and pen journal for instances such as these when I just want to rant and rave about life..I'd rather keep this a positive's rather nice that way :)

Thanks..I'm glad someone does! :) But a question - do you know if it is possible to make restricted posts on this fancy shamcy site of yours? I don't quite understand it yet..and am slowly but surely starting to figure it out..but still having a few hiccups along the way!

xoxo Anonymous

Shop Girl* said...

I completely agree with your feeling of restriction about what you can write sometimes. There are days when all I want to do is let our my frustrations... and I used to. But I never found that it made me feel any better... at least for me. I'd write it, and then read it, and still feel blah. When I focus on finding the good in my day and choosing to write about that, I find it helps me more than venting out the bad. And when I really really need to let it out, I have a separate blog for that stuff. haha!

Mmmm I THINK that there is a setting about whether or not particular posts can be private... I'll look into it for you!!

Erin said...

It's so true..I use to often write posts about things that were bothering me..and yes, it did feel good to get it all out at the time..but then hours later..I'd realize how much of a drama queen I was being and would go back and change my privacy settings because it just sucks to have that sort of negativity being such a large factor in displaying who you are. I really wish I could be more positive..but I always seem to get stuck in these slumps. It's one of the things that I want to change most about myself..but is also one of the hardest things I'm finding to change.

Thanks! I've briefly looked..but I'm not really sure..This entire blog setup is quite different than I'm use to.